Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Getting Back to Normal

It seems like we are getting on with our lives. The roller coaster of the last two weeks has slowed considerably. Jen is back at work. We are getting together with friends. We're even getting a dog. Life is coming back into shape. Here are some highlights.

My wife and I spent all day Saturday playing with our kids while keeping an eye on the NCAA Tournament. We did this to spite my friend Michael Lewis and his post on watching sports on TV. (Just kidding, Michael.) We rooted for the underdog and we yelled at the favorites. We had a great day. We just enjoyed being together. I know many couples who go through something like we went through and their relationship takes a dive for a while. I am happy to report that our experience of losing a baby has made our marriage stronger. Thank you God!

We had some friends from Colorado come in town on Sunday. What an awesome family. They were our mentors while we lived in Denver. How glad we are that we now get to return the favor in the fall when their son, Jarrod, comes to college. He is a great kid. I hope Kyle continues to look up to him while he is here.

Cajun Cones opened last week. All is right with the world. Cajun Cones beats ice cream every day of the week. If you have never had a Cajun Cone, you have to get in your car and go there now. My favorite flavor is Blue Hawaiian and Creamy Colada mixed. I'm also partial to Vanilla Cream and Dr. Pepper. I'm getting the shakes just typing about them.

There are many more examples of our lives getting back to normal, but I will leave you with those. Please say a prayer and thank God for healing my wife. He is taking very good care of us.


At 1:28 PM, Blogger Michael said...

Like Peter hearing the rooster crow, my hypocrisy is exposed. I watched WSU and Vanderbilt last night... got sweaty, had heart palpitations... just like a normal tv watcher.


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