I am still winning, but the score is getting closer.
The score now stands:
Corey - 5
Cayce - 2
I hope this is the final score.
You may ask yourself "What are you playing?" Well, we are not playing hockey, baseball, or or softball. We are definitely not playing basketball, horseshoes or four-square (No spins on Serves!).
The game is: Broken Arms
Yep. My daughter broke her arm on Wednesday night. The second time that is happened to her in her first 9 years on this earth. Ah, the joys of parenting. I would rather have my arm cut off than see her in pain like I did on Wednesday.
Here's the story (I know you both were wondering). Cayce and one of her friends were out jumping on our trampoline. See now, Cayce weighs roughly 45 pounds. Her friend weighs roughly 90. Now here is the cool thing about Physics. When a kid double your size jumps on a trampoline and you hit the rebound right...well, do the math. You fly roughly halfway to the moon. However, this time when that happens, it seems that the trampoline doesn't quite show up under you in the right spot. Cayce's legs went through the springs and she fell backwards off the trampoline. She did a great job of catching herself...that is until her arm snapped. (Grossed out yet? Wait til I post the x-rays...)
As three kids run in the house saying "Cayce's really hurt!!" I felt my heart drop to my stomach and saw a blur run out the door...this was my wife. I didn't know I could run that fast (and admit it, neither did you). Anyway, since this happened at 5:15 and every doctor's office closes at 5:00, we ended up at the emergency room. Good timing, huh?
Cayce got the express treatment at the emergency room. They do that for kids, I found out. I also found out that 462 people ask her how she broke her arm to make sure she doesn't say "Daddy did it." Anyway, she was whisked off to Exam Room 4.
After an x-ray and about 15 minutes, a doctor comes in and starts talking to us. A nurse immediately shows up at the door and motions the doctor to come outside. I noticed the concerned look on the nurse's face. The doctor says "Are the x-rays here?" and the nurse nods, "yes...get out here." The doctor looks at the x-ray and I hear her say "Wow. That is one for the scrapbook." This is never good. She then re-emerged and told us Cayce would be having surgery in a little while. She had completely broken her humerus bone above her elbow. In fact, the swelling we thought she had in her arm was actually her bone pressing up against the skin. This had to feel below average.
I head outside to call everyone we know and hear the nurses at the nurse's station say "Did you see the x-ray for Room 4? Her bone took a left turn about halfway down. Ouch." This is not comforting.
Anyway, to make a long story short (too late). Cayce's arm was realigned in Surgery and she had two pins inserted into her bone. She will be out 6-8 weeks. Barring a setback she should be ready for the playoffs.
I know, you might be wondering about the score. Yes, I broke my arm five times growing up. The last time was when I was a freshman in High School. In fact, when I was three, I broke one arm and then two weeks later I broke the other one. People at church looked at my parents a little strangely, I am told. Maybe I was clumsy, but I like to think of it as daring and adventurous. You say to-may-to...I say to-mah-to.
There you have it. I am leading 5-2. Let's hope it stays that way.
By the way...anyone want to buy a trampoline?